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About The Foundation

The Foundation was established in 1981 at the suggestion of a far-sighted former resident of Knox College. His purpose was to establish a fund that would benefit both Knox College and Salmond College. Thanks to the extraordinary generosity of a number of individuals during the first few years and prudent investment over the latter years, the Fund now stands at approximately NZ$1.8 million.

The Foundation Aspirations

The Foundation has three main objectives:


  • to offer awards and fellowships that support deserving undergraduate and postgraduate students to live and study in the Colleges;


  • to develop, maintain and enhance communication with former residents of Knox College and Salmond College;


  • to ensure that the Fund prospers for the future benefit of the Colleges and their residents.


The Foundation is managed by up to seven Trustees. The present Trustees have a wide range of skills and background.


Our Mission


The Foundation is committed to providing recipients the support they need to attain their academic goals.

The Foundation is committed to providing recipients

the support they need to attain their academic goals.

Future Ambitions

The Foundation would like to increase the value and number of its awards and provide support for other initiatives that would benefit the residents of the two Colleges, such as the Ross Fellowship at Knox College.


This Fellowship was established in 1920 by the children of John and Margaret Ross to mark their fiftieth wedding anniversary.

Our Mission

We Need Your Support Today!

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